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Below is a list of on-demand CROP+TR training available for viewing at any time. To view recorded trainings, you will be required to register prior to viewing. 

Contingency Management for Stimulant Use Disorder

Recorded Webinar | Original Date 2021


Speaker: Michael McDonell, PhD

Contingency management is an intervention where tangible incentives are provided in exchange for evidence of drug or alcohol abstinence. This talk will describe contingency management and evidence supporting the effectiveness of contingency management for stimulant use disorders, as well as review implementation strategies.

Dr. Michael McDonell is a Professor in the Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine at Washington State University and the Director of Behavioral Health Innovations. He is a clinical psychologist with over 20 years of experience developing, testing, and implementing strength-based interventions for people with addiction and mental illness in community settings. He has lead multiple National Institutes of Health funded studies demonstrating that incentives can be used to reduce alcohol and drug use in individuals living with co-occurring serious mental illness.

Fentanyl Facts

Recorded Webinar | Original Date 2021


Speakers: Nicole Rodin, PharmD, MBA

In this webinar, Nicole Rodin, PharmD will discuss the synthetic opioid fentanyl and its emerging role in the opioid epidemic. She will review what fentanyl is and how it is impacting Washington communities, and will discuss some common myths regarding fentanyl.


Nicole Rodin is a Clinical Assistant Professor at Washington State University College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. In a clinical role, time is split between teaching within the curriculum and practicing at Kootenai Hospital. Current research initiatives are centered around public health initiatives that pharmacists can make a positive impact including within the prevention and treatment of substance use disorder.

Commonly Misused Prescription Drugs

Recorded Webinar |Original Date 2021


Speakers: Nicole Rodin, PharmD, MBA

In this webinar, Nicole Rodin, PharmD discusses commonly misused prescription drugs and how they act in the body. She reviews the signs and symptoms of potential overdose and when to seek medical care for an individual experiencing a drug overdose, and identifies strategies you can use to keep yourself and your peers safe.  

Nicole Rodin is a Clinical Assistant Professor at Washington State University College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. In a clinical role, time is split between teaching within the curriculum and practicing at Kootenai Hospital. Current research initiatives are centered around public health initiatives that pharmacists can make a positive impact including within the prevention and treatment of substance use disorder.

Promoting the Health of People in Recovery Through Inclusion

Recorded Webinar | Duration 60 min |Original Date 4/22/2021

Speakers: Mark Salzer, PhD

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Community inclusion and participation (e.g., work, school, faith, leisure, volunteering, family and social relationships) is essential for the physical, cognitive, and mental health and wellness of people in recovery from substance use and mental health issues – always, and especially during a pandemic. This webinar will offer attendees background on the theories and research underlying this and discuss the importance of community spaces (e.g., colleges/universities, libraries, parks and recreational centers, faith communities, volunteer organizations) that are welcoming and embracing of these individuals to support their ability to participate in meaningful ways. Strategies for developing/enhancing a “Welcoming Washington State” will then be offered.


Mark Salzer, Ph.D. is a psychologist and Professor of Social and Behavioral Sciences in the College of Public Health at Temple University. He is also the Director of the Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion of Individuals with Psychiatric Disabilities (, a research and training center that has been funded by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research since 2003.

Introduction to Harm Reduction Principles and Practice

Recorded Webinar | Duration 71 min |Original Date 2/16/2021


Speakers: Rebeka Lawrence-Gomez

Shift your understanding of harmful behaviors and the approach you take in serving people engaged in substance use and self harm. In this training we will explore the universality of self-harm, identify behaviors as survival tools, and focus on empathy and connection with individuals utilizing substances and self-harm. 


Rebeka Lawrence-Gomez has been with Pathways Vermont since its inception in 2009 and serves as the Director of Operations. She is committed to human rights, opportunities for everyone, and individual choice, Prior to her work with Pathways, she served as a Peace Corps volunteer and work with Disability Rights Vermont. 

Introduction to Mindfulness Based Relapse Prevention

Recorded Webinar | Duration 71 min |Original Date 1/28/2021

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Speakers: Corey Roos, PhD

In this webinar, Dr. Corey Roos from Yale University School of Medicine will discuss Mindfulness Based Relapse Prevention (MBRP), a novel aftercare intervention for individuals in recovery from substance use disorder. Participants will leave with an understanding of the role of mindfulness in recovery, the research supporting MBRP for substance use disorder, and resources to learn more about MBRP. 


Dr. Corey Roos is an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at Yale University School of Medicine, as well as a licensed clinical psychologist. His research aims to improve the accessibility and effectiveness of treatments for psychiatric disorders, particularly substance use disorders (SUD). 

Co-occurring Substance Misuse and Mental Health Conditions, a Peer Perspective

Group Discussion

Recorded Webinar | Duration 60 min |Original Date 7/14/2020

Speakers: Multiple, NAMI WA

Substance use disorders and mental illnesses are often experienced alongside one another, resulting in a more complex recovery process for both individuals with lived experiences and their providers. In collaboration with the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), this webinar features panelists with co-occurring substance use disorders and mental illnesses, who will share their own lived experiences, including what has and has not worked for them. Panelists will also answer questions from the audience in efforts to share helpful resources, insight, and hope.

Youth Participatory Action Research (YPAR) For Substance Use Prevention


Recorded Webinar | Duration 52 min |Original Date 7/7/2020

Speaker: Elizabeth Weybright, PhD

Dr. Elizabeth Weybright is an Associate Professor of human development and co-director of the Center for Rural Opioid Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery at Washington State University. Her research, grounded in prevention science and positive youth development, focuses on how leisure behavior and experience (e.g., boredom, sensation seeking) is associated with adolescent health and/or risk behavior. In this webinar, Dr. Weybright will provide an overview of YPAR, including how to utilize the YPAR approach for substance use prevention activities.

The Importance of Peer Support in Recovery

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Recorded Webinar | Duration 59 min |Original Date 6/30/2020

Speaker: Amy Griesel, CPC, NCPRSS

Amy has been on a journey of recovery since graduating from Mental Health Court in 2016. After this, she realized she wanted to walk alongside those seeking support and recovery. Amy continued to build upon her passion to help others and became a Certified Peer Counselor in 2018. In 2019, she completed her Peer Specialist certification through NAADAC. Currently, Amy serves on several boards as a subject matter expert. She aspires to build further Peer support programs.

Pharmacotherapy for Opioid Use Disorder: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How

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Recorded Webinar | Duration 55 min |Original Date 6/23/2020

Speaker: Tracy Klein, PhD, ARNP

Dr. Tracy Klein will provide a brief overview of pharmacotherapy for opioid use disorder for the non-clinician. Discussion of common questions and links to resources will be provided.   


Dr. Klein is an Associate Professor at the WSU Vancouver College of Nursing. She completed her FNP post-masters as a Women’s Health Care Nurse Practitioner at WSU in 2003 and went on to complete her PhD in nursing from WSU in 2011 after transferring from Portland State University’s Public Policy PhD program. She is active in research and aims to identify knowledge deficits or needs which may be addressed by education or policy solutions. Go to to learn more about Dr. Klein and her research.


Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) for Prevention Specialists

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Recorded Webinar | Duration 64 min |Original Date 6/16/2020

Speaker: Barbara Richardson, PhD, RN

Dr. Barb Richardson will review the Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) process. She will discuss how to utilize SBIRT in prevention-based settings with adolescents and adults.


Dr. Richardson currently serves as the Director of Interprofessional Education & Research at Washington State University College of Medicine. Her clinical background is in pediatric intensive care nursing with special interests in simulation, health care ethics, team-based collaborative care and leadership.

Adverse Childhood Experiences, (ACES), Complex

Trauma, and Risk Associated with Opioid Use Disorder

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Recorded Webinar | Duration 63 min |Original Date 6/9/2020

Speaker: Natalie Turner-Depue, PhD

Dr. Natalie Turner-Depue will review ACEs and complex developmental trauma and discuss the risk factors related to opioid use associated with trauma exposure, in particular as it relates to rural and/or marginalized communities.   


Dr. Natalie Turner-Depue currently serves as the interim Director for the Child and Family Research Unit (CAFRU) and the Collaborative Learning for Educational Achievement and Resilience (CLEAR) Trauma Center at Washington State University. Her research focus is on integrating trauma-informed practices into schools and community organizations throughout the western US while dismantling systemic barriers impeding equitable educational access.

The Neurobiology of Opioid Misuse and Addiction

Recorded Webinar | Duration 56 min |Original Date 6/2/2020


Speaker: Julianne Jett, PhD

As with any disease or health condition, addiction to opioids is biological in nature. This webinar will review the basics of neuronal signaling and discuss how brain function changes in response to prolonged opioid use.  

Dr. Julianne Jett received her doctorate in neuroscience from the University of Texas Health San Antonio. her research used preclinical models to investigate how prolonged exposure to stress hormones change brain function and induce cognitive impairments associated with depression and anxiety disorders. As a postdoctoral fellow at Washington State University, Julianne works with PRISM to conduct clinical research on biomarkers associated with severe mental illnesses and substance use disorders. 

© 2020 CROP+TR

This program is funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration 

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CROP+TR is part of Washington State University

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